Overcome, DivorceBreakups and Setbacks Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible...

Go From Pain & Desipair, To Emotional Healing, A Loving & Trusting Relationship, and A Prosperous Business (Or Career)

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It’s true…

There’s a new and different way for you to recover from breakups and setbacks super fast.

It’s called Conative Transformational Development (CTD).

And it’s very different from the common methods you’re likely familiar with because of how it helps anyone quickly move past breakups and setbacks into a more fulfilling and prosperous life by... you control over your mind and emotions so that you can get into the driver's seat and create the transformation you really truly want.

First, it allows you to gain control over your emotions. You quiet the storm within. 

You feel peace sweep through you like ocean waves.

 That way, clarity returns to your mind.

Then you gain clarity on what you really truly want. 

You'll also discover the things you do in your head that keep you from getting them

It's part of the reasons you unconsciously attract the things you don't want.

Then you'll change that for good and bring your dream life to reality

You will condition your mind and body to automatically act in ways that lead you to your dream destination. 

In the end, you wake up feeling joyful every day.

You'll feel that iron-clad harmony among your mind, body, and spirit. 

This makes you super resilient: able to wither any storm that may come in the future with ease.

And as you’ll see, it only requires you to fill in a simple set of workbooks, and voila! it reveals, in 3D, the inner workings of your subconscious mind and shows you the fastest route to your permanent and transformative change.

The best part of all, it doesn’t require you to meditate endlessly or years of positively sounding affirmations that don't seem to be generating any visible, permanent change.

And you can move your life from where it is right now to one of happiness, fulfillment, and prosperity regardless of what self-help solutions you've tried in the past or what the situations or limitations are right now.

So, if you want to overcome breakups and setbacks faster than you ever thought possible and take your existence to where you will love it to be... want to pay close attention to what I’m about to share with you.

My name is Michael Sassorossi

I'm a coach who teaches what he has applied in his life. All through my life, I've been through lots of setbacks.

A devastating and heart-wrenching divorce? Check.

A business setback? Check.

A life threatening cancer? Check.

I've even lived in a cave. 

I've been a broke salesman with shingles forced to survive by selling from door to door with pus coming out of my face and one-half of my face paralyzed.

I've had my good times and my bad.

I've built 2 successful businesses and lost them.

All these forced me to get into self-help.

I tried the conventional self-help solutions out there, but as you probably already know, they don't work that well.

So I was forced to look outside the conventional solutions.

And today, I'm a 60+-year-old man with vibrant health living his dream life in the beautiful country of Costa Rica.
These strategies, principles and tools will start to immediately bring back your joy so you can wake up each morning feeling that joy, peace and confidence in your relationships, business and health.
  • Anger and resentment to peace and joy
  • Stress and anxiety to calm and confident
  • A setback or breakup to hope, faith and love
My breakthrough started the day I discovered that...

Even Though There Are 3 Faculties Of The Mind, Most Self-Help Solutions Focus On Just 2

The worst part is that the ignored faculty is arguably the most powerful.

In fact, this ignored faculty is one of the least used words in the English dictionary.

Why is it so? 

Is there a conspiracy to prevent people from knowing about it?

It may appear so, but I have no evidence to prove it.

But what I do know is that this little-known faculty of the mind could be the missing link between where you are right now and where you want to be.

Let Me Put It In Perspective

You probably know about the thinking part of the mind. The cognitive.

You probably also know about the feeling part. The emotional part. (AKA. Affective).

But what you may NOT know is that there is the doing and action part.

It's called the conative part. defines it as the aspect of mental processes or behavior directed toward action or change and including impulse, desire, volition, and striving.

Your Conation Is Also What Connects Your Emotions To Your Intellect

It's the melting pot for the other two faculty of your mind.

When you desire something or someone...

When you make choices...

When you make plans of how to get what you want...

When you dream and fantasize...

Your conative mind is what is at work.

When you wake up in the morning excited for the day (v.s. when you wake up in dread).

When you go for what you want (v.s. when you procrastinate).

When you just know what to do at every step of the way (v.s. when you always seem confused or lost).

Your Conative Mind Is What's In Action

It's the reason some people can recover fast and transform their life after a setback or break up while others seem to wallow in depression and self-pity with no end in sight.

Your conative ability is the reason some people can succeed even in difficult situations while some other people fail even when they have a lot going for them.

Just like when you want to improve your intelligence, you work on improving your ability to think.

...And when you want to improve your emotional control and maturity, you work on your emotional intelligence.

In the same vein...

When you want to gain more control over the outcomes in your life, you improve your conative ability.

So if you're having difficulties moving from where life has put you to where you want to be...

... chances are that your current situations are NOT the reason.

The conative part of your mind is probably weak.

You need to strengthen it.

One of the most powerful ways to strengthen your conation, overcome breakups and setbacks and bring your dreams to reality is a technique called…

  • Bonus #1: 6 Steps To Dealing With Difficult People
  • Bonus #2: How To Instantly Shift Your Identity
  • Bonus #3: The 6 Phase Guided Meditation For Peace, Joy and Fulfillment

Conative Transformational Development (CTD)

This is a simple 3-step process for reprograming your mind and attracting the future you truly really want – even if it seems impossible right now.

CTD™ - Educate

This is the stage where you dive into the depths of your subconscious to uncover exactly how things are at the moment.

With the proper CTD tools, you will uncover the parts of your thought processes that have been sabotaging you.

You will get a clear picture of what you truly, really want – and what you don’t.

You’ll also find out the content and structures of your subconscious thoughts.

CTD™ - Motivate

Unlike other programs that treat motivation as a one-size-fits-all thing, this program...

...finds your UNIQUE fuel for firing yourself up for success and a prosperous future.

In this step, you uncover the raw materials from your subconscious mind that you need to power your emotions and keep you motivated throughout this journey.

Learn the best ways to motivate yourself and keep being motivated.

CTD™ - Activate & Participate

Here is where it all comes together.

At this stage, you install the new mental processes, motivational drivers, and subconscious habits that you generated in the earlier stages.

You will effortly take the personalized actions that leads to your transformation and fulfilment.

You will find details of these in my flagship program titled...
A Cutting-Edge Program That Shows You How To COMBINE Conative Development & Spiritual Principles To ACCELERATE Healing, Growth & Transformaton
It’s a 6 Modules online video course with 29 video lessons. It contains everything you need and walks you through the CTD process from A-Z. 

Each chapter comes with a series of CTD tools and worksheets.
In Addition To Learning the CTD 3-step Process
Here Are Other Things you’ll Discover...
  • Why the world has the secret to success all upside down
  • ​​How to use the “worry box” technique to eliminate worry from your life
  • ​One simple technique for forcing your nervous system to drench you with happy thoughts and feelings no matter how shitty you may be feeling right now
  • ​​How one shift in focus is the secret to becoming happy
  • ​One simple but powerful exercise for instantly getting rid of self-pity and drenching yourself with intense bout of good feelings
  • ​How to release the feeling of resentment and hurt from your system and avoid manifesting physical disease caused by negative emotions
  • ​3 steps to avoid overwhelm and accomplish anything
  • ​How to develop a mindset of peace
  • ​How to fight insomnia & have a peaceful, restful, rejuvenating sleep
  • ​​Why discovering and aligning with your true values is the secret to true happiness
  • ​Why having an empowering believe that aligns with your true value is the key to joy, peace of mind, fulfilment, prosperity, and loving caring relationships
  • ​​How to clear out negative thoughts and replace them with positives
  • ​​How to attract the life you want using words (HINT: it’s NOT what you think)
  • ​And a whole lot more...
  • Bonus #1: 6 Steps To Dealing With Difficult People
  • Bonus #2: How To Instantly Shift Your Identity
  • Bonus #3: The 6 Phase Guided Meditation For Peace, Joy and Fulfillment



OR 4 Payments of $59.97


What Are You Waiting For?

Take A Positive Action For A Positive Result

P.S: The biggest thing I hear from people is why didn't I start earlier? A Chinese proverb says "When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago. When is the second best time? NOW

+ 3 Great Bonuses (Value: $197)

BONUS  #1: 6 Steps To Dealing With Difficult People

These 6 steps and strategies are not meant to be a bash the other person exercise. 

You were probably wronged somewhere along the line.

This is to help you heal and make you whole again. To bring back joy, peace, strength and trust with a proven step by step method.

You will learn to go from a victim to a victor

Not to be a doormat but to be your true unique self with peace, confidence and the outcome you want.

BONUS #2: How To Instantly Shift Your Identity

Instantly learn how to make the right choices and decisions that lead you to the person you want to be. You will breakthrough to the next level.

You will learn how to program your mind and be proactive and STOP making the wrong choices.

Become the person you want to be with this proven meditation and strategy.

BONUS #3: The 6 Phase Guided Meditation For Peace, Joy and Fulfillment

You will have more peace, love, compassion and blessings in your life by going through these 6 phases. 

After the meditation you will have an incredible sense of peace.


These strategies, principles and tools will start to immediately bring back your joy so you can wake up each morning feeling that joy, peace and confidence in your relationships, business and health.
  • Anger and resentment to peace and joy
  • Stress and anxiety to calm and confident
  • A setback or breakup to hope, faith and love
Here’s What People Are Saying:
 I did a course with Mike called “Your Journey To Joy". This was after being diagnosed with a terminal cancer. I believe this program helped me overcome my fear and anxiety and helped in my complete recovery despite the odds. He helped me get to the core!!! I did many courses over 30 years. Mike is a great coach.
Dr. Kathlynn Hoch
 Mike has transformed me into the person I knew I could be. My belief systems were filled by reasons of fear and hopelessness. Now I'm empowered by trust, love, joy, peace and belief in myself. Thank you Mike!
 Paul Kearney, CEO, Atlantis Spots Clubs
 And on the personal side, feeling the freedom of being confident to take time out of the office has been priceless. This has strengthened our family life and given me absolute peace and joy to be totally with my children and husband. It’s challenging to wear so many hats as a working mom. What a gift to have a well balanced work - life reality.
Dr. Carol DeFranca
Judy Coughlin, Boston, MA
 I applied the skills to stop worry and now I'm starting my dream job, started piano lessons and have a much healthier and beautiful relationship with my sons. My mind is definitely at peace and joyful

It's Time To Stop Waking Up With Worry, Fear, Anger Or Resentment And Waking Each Day With Joy and A Loving Trusting Relationship, A Prosperous Business and Vibrant Health.

Quick summary of what you'll get:
  • Detailed Conative Transformational Development (CTD) Process
  • 12+ Quick action tips
  • 6 Modules With 29 Video Lessons
  • Your Journey To Joy Workbook
  • PDF Worksheets
  • Step By Step Exercises
  • Guided Cleansing Meditations
  • Real Life Examples
  • Bonus #1: 6 Steps To Dealing With Difficult People
  • Bonus #2: How To Instantly Shift Your Identity
  • Bonus #3: The 6 Phase Guided Meditation For Peace, Joy and Fulfillment



OR 4 Payments of $59.97


What Are You Waiting For?

Take A Positive Action For A Positive Result

P.S: The biggest thing I hear from people is why didn't I start earlier? A Chinese proverb says "When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago. When is the second best time? NOW
100% Money Back Guarantee
We want you to feel completely confident getting your copy of Overcoming Challenges today, which is why our program is backed by a comprehensive 30-day iron-clad 100% money-back guarantee!

Just place your order, download "Your Journey To Joy" and listen to it every day. Experience an amazing transformation in your life.

Furthermore, if at ANY time during the next 30 days you don’t feel 100% happy with your purchase...

...We’ll refund every penny – no questions asked.

It couldn’t be more simple.

Michael Sassorossi
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